About the Department

History is an inspirable part of human life. History Department is one of the best departments in our college. History has been taught in our college since the foundation of the college in 2008. History was started as a special level for graduation in 2008. From the beginning History department has been motivating its students to study in innovative and different ways.


The History Department seeks to build its students’ transferable skills, employability and intellectual curiosity, along with raising public awareness about the past and its legacies, through teaching, research and service activities conducted locally, statewide, regionally.


“Quality Education with Moral Values and National Integrity”

  • Promote studies in history, society and culture of Maharashtra in general and Maratha history in particular.
  • Empower students to cope with the challenges of globalization by instilling in them a life-long passion for learning about the past. The knowledge about the interconnections between the global, national, regional and local history will equip the students to face the challenges with confidence.


The aim of a history department is to increase awareness of history and to teach students how to use historical knowledge to solve problems


  • Basic understanding of History subject and improve the knowledge of History.
  • Applying various historical methods and theories in local history.
  • Pursue research in history for better understanding.
  • Applying the innovative study techniques in the study of history, to make it value based and thought provocative.
  • To increase the interest among students for local history.

Faculty Profiles

Mr. Solse Rushikesh Tukaram

  • Designation: Assistant Professor
  • Qualification: M.A. B.Ed., CTET (Paper I & II)
  • Email: rushikeshsolse7398@gmail.com
  • Contact: +91 7741069888

Miss. Thitame Snehalata Ashok

Academic Programs

FYBA (First Year BA)

SemesterCourse TypeCourse CodeCourse Title
IDSC-IHIS 101 MJIndian National Movement (1857-1920)
DSC-IHIS 102 MJPIndian National Movement (1857-1920)
GE/OEOE H 101Glimpses of Modern India – I
SECHIS 101 SEC– Introduction to Archeology
– Art and Architecture in Early India
IKSIKS 101 HISHistory of Knowledge Production in India (Generic)
IIDSC-IHIS 151 MJIndian National Movement (1920-1950)
DSC-IHIS 152 MJPIndian National Movement (1920-1950)
GE/OEOE 151 HISGlimpses of Modern India – II
SECHIS 151 SEC– Introduction to Museums
– Art and Architecture in Medieval India

SYBA (Second Year BA)

SemesterCourse TypeCourse CodeCourse Title
IIICore Course-ICC 1(3)History of the Marathas: (1630-1707)
DSE-1A (Special Paper)Medieval India – Sultanate Period
DSE-2A (Special Paper)Glimpses of the Modern World – Part I
SECSEC 1ATourism Management
IVCore Course-ICC 2(3)History of the Marathas: (1707-1818)
DSE-1B (Special Paper)Medieval India – Mughal Period
DSE-2B (Special Paper)Glimpses of the Modern World – Part II
SECSEC 2BTravel Agency & Tour Business

TYBA (Third Year BA)

SemesterCourse TypeCourse CodeCourse Title
VCore Course 3Indian National Movement (1885-1947)
DSE-3CIntroduction to Historiography
DSE-4DMaharashtra in the 19th Century
SECSEC 2CResearch Paper Writing
VICore Course 4India After Independence (1947-1991)
DSE-3CApplied History
DSE-4DMaharashtra in the 20th Century
SECSEC 2DHeritage Management


Program Outcomes (POs):

  1. Students will be able to think and they will be able to analyze thoughts.
  2. It will help in job creation by acquiring functional development skills.
  3. There will be an increase in experiential knowledge.
  4. Students will gain expertise in specific areas of historical knowledge.
  5. Students will be introduced to complementary disciplines such as art and architecture.
  6. Students will get exposure to practices of heritage conservation.
  7. It will help to enhance their awareness about shared national heritage .
  8. Students who study the evolution of social change will expand the horizons of thought.
  9. Participation of different genders and social groups in the national struggle will help the students respect their contribution.
  10. It will help develop a sense of national unity.

Program-Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

  1. Communication Skills: Students will be able to understand and explain basic historical events.
  2. Research Aptitude: Students will acquire basic historical research skills.
  3. Analytical Skills: Students will learn to scientifically evaluate and assess the authenticity and credibility of source materials.
  4. Professional Development: Students will have opportunities in historical and heritage areas.
  5. Critical Thinking: Students will know the importance of raising questions and finding answers scientifically.
  6. Human Values and ethics: The role of ordinary people in the national movement will be appreciated.
  7. Problem Solving: They will learn to accept a challenge, assess the complexity and find a solution.
  8. Policy Analysis: Students will learn post facto implications and consequences of policies.
  9. Disciplinary knowledge: They will know the basics of the idea of history and salient events, personalities and thoughts.
  10. Cultural Intelligence: Students will learn to appreciate the similarities and differences in various cultures and know that acceptance and respect for each other is the way forward.


Workshops: Modi Script Writing by Mahesh Joshi Sir

Events: Freedom Fighter Bhausaheb Santuji Thorat Birth Anniversary Celebration